Into the Depths

November 3, 2020.

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After changing the topic of my game, I needed to modify a few features. I removed infinite world generation (now the world was limited to 128x128 tiles) and opted for smaller, randomly generated cave levels that the player would progress through. I also added a surface level that the player would start out on and gather resources before delving into the caverns.

I have also started restructuring the game to be more artistic and involve various ideas as core themes. After listening to several talks by Jonathan Blow, I was inspired to try to use this medium as a way to satisfy my interest in making art, writing, and video games all in one, and to express some meaningful concepts in a unique, enjoyable experience.

So, much of my current work on the game has been planning out the design of the game in detail before doing any implementation work. The game is now very different from when I started it, and will continue to change as I hone my ideas on it, but it will also certainly be of much higher quality.

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