Unfinished Games

A few games and game concepts that I never finished nor developed further.

A chess game. Fully-working with two players, checkmate detection, and all rules of chess implemented, but planned to be "moddable" for new gamemodes and AIs.

A space mining game where the player controls a starship that visits planets and asteroids to gather resources and explore the galaxy.

An isometric puzzle game of the Sokoban genre where the player must interact with and push around tiles to progress.

Planned to be a civilization/world-building type game, but only ever got as far as simple world generation and editing.

A simple 3D raycasting engine.

My second major game project. Was supposed to be a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game where the player could build their own fort and defenses while exploring and scavenging for supplies.

My first game project. Was originally designed as a board game, so the style is turn-based and involves "rolling" dice. The player would control specialized worker units, gather resources, build their kingdom, and eventually defend against enemies or explore further into the wilderness.

An arcade game where the goal is to maximize points by collecting coins and reaching the next level by making it to the marked end tile. The limited map is randomly generated with blocks that block the player's movement and prevent reaching the goal. As the levels increase, the density of blocks on the map increases. The player moves one square at a time and can jump over one block. Also, a block is added at their last position, so careful movement is required.
